Canoa Ranch Men's Golf Club
Canoa Ranch Men's Golf Club By-Laws
Section 1. The By-Laws may be changed only by the action of the Board of Directors.
Effective January 1, 2019
Article 1
SECTION 1. The name of the association shall be the Canoa Men’s Golf Club.
Article 2
SECTION 1. The purpose of the “club” shall be to make new friends, promote good fellowship and have fun through friendly and fair golf competition.
To work with the Canoa Ranch Golf Club management to make the Canoa Ranch Golf Course one of the finest golf courses in Southern Arizona and keep it in the best possible condition.
Article 3
SECTION 1. The fiscal year for the Canoa Ranch Men’s Golf Club is January 1 through December 31.
SECTION 2. All Members shall:
A. Maintain a USGA Handicap via the GHIN system with a membership in the Canoa Ranch Men’s Golf Club in the AGA(Arizona Golf Association).
B. Have posted a minimum of three rounds prior to competing in any weekly event or tournament.
C. Agree to abide by the rules and regulations as set fourth in the Canoa Ranch Men’s Golf Club By-laws and the Rules of Play.
D. Conduct themselves in a gentlemanly and sportsman-like fashion in all weekly events and tournaments.
SECTION 3. Weekly Sign Up
A. The Canoa Ranch Men's Golf Club will use the automated signup option of the Golf Genius Program. The email invitation will be sent out each Thursday for the following Wednesday's competition. The invitation will be closed at 3 PM on the Tuesday prior to the competition.
B. Any club member showing up on Wed. without having signed up in advance will be listed as a “stand by” and will be only able to compete if there is an appropriate handicap opening.
C. If there is not an appropriate handicap position available the member can play where there is an opening or behind the club members but not participate in the competition.
D. All members that have signed up per the procedure should make every effort to meet the obligation of playing on the established day. This is important since all teams are balanced by handicap and changes make it more difficult to ensure a level playing field with all teams. When player(s) do not show and do not notify the league, the tournament manager may make whatever changes to the game to make it fair and equitable for those members that did show up.
E. If a player’s schedule changes he should notify Tournament Director as soon as possible via email so that team changes can be made.
F. If a member frequently does not show up after signing up he may be restricted from play for a determined period of time.
G. Any member who cancels because they do not want to play with a particular member and does it three times will be subject to review and discipline by the board up to and including suspension from the league.
SECTION 4. New Members shall:
A. Pay annual dues directly to the Treasurer(if required by the league). Prior to competing in their first weekly event or tournament, a minimum of three(3) rounds must be completed at Torres Blancas Golf Course or the Canoa Ranch Golf Course and posted to the GHIN system. Member must also join the AGA as member of the Canoa Ranch Men’s Golf Club in a reasonable time frame.
B. Receive a copy of the current By-Laws and Rules of Play.
SECTION 5. Current Members Shall:
A. Submit payment of annual dues(if required by the league) directly to the Treasurer on or before December 31 of each year to maintain their membership and continue to be eligible to participate in the weekly events and tournaments. In addition prior to participating in weekly competition members must renew their AGA club affiliation so their scores can be posted. The enrollment period begins October 1st each year.
B All members shall be required to post at least six(6) Men’s Club regular event scores since the completion of the last tournament each year to be able to participate in the two annual major club tournaments. The two major club tournaments are the ANNUAL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP and the MATCH PLAY CHAMPIONSHIP. These tournaments may or may not take place depending upon the membership numbers.
GUEST (Non member play)
Friends or relatives of members are welcome to participate in the game as guests.
A. Guests may play a maximum of 3 times yearly.
B. Guests can participate, if they choose, in the competition, providing:
i. They supply an active GHIN number on the weekly sign-up sheet to validate a handicap and pay the entry fee.
ii. Anyone playing more than 3 times per year, with the Canoa Ranch group, no longer qualifies as a guest and will be required to pay the club’s yearly dues.
C. Guests without an active GHIN number or not wanting to participate in the competition can still play in the Wed. group (3 times yearly). They will not be charged the competition entry fee.
D. A “blind draw” will be used in cases where there is a team event, where a guest, is not qualified to compete or chooses not to compete. There will be no more than two guests in any one foursome when the team is competing in an event.
SECTION 1. The purpose of the USGA handicap system is to make the game of golf more enjoyable by enabling golfers of differing abilities to compete on an equitable basis. All golfers will play from the white tees unless an option is given for a specific tournament to make a choice of other tees or the tournament director dictates which tee(s) will be played.
A basic premise underlies the handicap system, namely that every play will try to make the best score he can at each hole in every round regardless of where it is played and that the player will post every legitimate round for peer review.
SECTION 2. A golf “Club” or “ Association” is not allowed to use any part of the USGA system or certify and USGA handicap index if it does not follow the prescribed procedures. Basic procedures required are:
A. Play is to be in accordance with the “Rules of Golf”.
B. The Equitable Stroke Control is to be used.
C. A handicap committee is necessary for handicap review.
D. Scores must be posted and available for fellow club members to review.
SECTION 6. Definitions
A. Tournament scores: Scores made in organized competition which includes the annual Match play Tournament and Club Championship. Tournament scores outside of the last 20 scores remain effect for the fiscal year which they were made.
B. The Canoa Ranch Men’s Golf Club will use the automatic score posting feature of the Golf Genius program so members will not have to post any scores for league play
SECTION 1. The Governing Board of Director Shall consist of the following:
President* Tim Wollin
Vice President* Steve Hiles
Treasurer* Kurt Palowez
Secretary* Tom Aslakson
AGA Delegate Tom Aslakson/Tim Wollin
Handicap Chairman Tim Wollin/Tom Aslakson
Tournament Director* Tim Wollin/Tom Aslakson
Appointed Directors as defined by the board
*Voting Board Members
The four(4) elected officers are:
PRESIDENT: Oversee all activities and the club, coordinate club activates with the Canoa Ranch Golf Club management and assist committee chairman as necessary. Shall be responsible for scheduling board meetings and conducting them in compliance with the “Roberts Rules of Order.”
VICE-PRESIDENT: Act for the President in his absence, assist in club activities as needed, handle publicity for the club and chair the nominating committee for election of officers.
TREASURER: Handle all moneys coming into the club, maintain financial records and report on the status as required.
SECRETARY: Maintain accurate records of club membership, send out notices as required and record the minutes of club meetings.
APPOINTED DIRECTORS: The elected officers will appoint directors to serve with them during their term. These directors together with the elected board will be responsible with selecting the tournament schedule and to coordinate with the Canoa Ranch Golf Club management to reserve the necessary dates and tee times. This group will also establish tournament rules and arbitrate rules of dispute, handicap procedures and audit special events. Such special events shall include, but not limited to Club Championship, Match Play events, awards luncheons and other special events as authorized.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The Vice President shall appoint a Nomination Committee consisting of three(3) active members from the membership at large. Elections can be called anytime up to the end of the calendar year. Voting may be conducted via email or at a meeting of available members.
TERM OF OFFICE: The elected officers will serve a term of two(2) years from January 1st. To insure continuity, there terms will overlap, that is, only two officers will be up for election each year. The directors, may continue to server indefinitely at the desire of the elected officer, or new director(s) may be appointed.
Section 1. The By-Laws may be changed only by the action of the Board of Directors.